القائمة الرئيسية



For measurement of currents, charges (static) and voltages at low-error current levels in connection with an external voltmeter with an internal resistance exceeding 3 kΩ and a range between 0.3 V and 3 V (10 V max.), for example demonstration moving-coil instrument (531 900), and TY or XY plotters. Including BNC-4-mm cable (575 24).

Examples of applications:

Proving the existence of electrostatic induction charges

Measurement of very large resistances

Equipotential lines of electrical fields in weakly-conducting liquids

Capacitance measurements

Verifying the piezoelectric effect

Demonstrating the photoelectric effect

الشركة المصنعة 

دليل الاستخدام والتجارب التي تحتوى على الجهاز


التنقل السريع