القائمة الرئيسية


Aim of the expriment:

1- Verification of Hook's law.

2- Determination of the spring constant.



A helical spring attached to a pan – different weights – a ruler


 1- Determine the original length l of the spring (without any loads)

 2- Starting to put the one of the loads m1 in the pan then determine the resulted length.

 3- Determine the extension Δl = l – lo

 4- Repeat the above step for the different loads that you have.

5- Record your results in the following table.




6- Draw a graph between  on the x-axis and the weight mg on the y-axis, then the following straight line passing through the origin is obtained.

The spring constant k equals the slope of the straight line.


Hook's Law has been verified since the graph the between mg and  yielded a straight line passing through the origin. Also we were able to determine the spring constant k
